I have copied below details of the Central London Group of the RSPB who organize a super programme of talks and field trips in which I participate in. For more details click here.
Thursday 10th March 2016. ‘A Very Fine Swan Indeed: Art, Science & The Unfeathered Bird’ by Katrina van Grouw
The Unfeathered Bird is a unique combination of art and science aimed at anyone with an interest in birds or bird art. Join Katrina van Grouw as she discusses her inspirations for the book, and the 25-year journey to create it. Katrina is an artist, taxidermist, bird ringer, author and former curator of the ornithological collections at London’s Natural History Museum. Venue: St. Columba's Church Hall, Pont St. London SW1. Doors open 6.15pm, talk starts 6.45pm. £4.00 RSPB members, £5.00 non-members.
Tuesday 15th March, at the Chiswick Pier Trust. ‘The Life of the Swift’, a talk by Catherine Day of the RSPB Central London Local Group and Brenna Boyle of Wild Capital
Did you know that swifts spend their whole lives on the wing, landing only to nest and rear their young; that they mate for life and return to the same nest site each year; and that they are the world’s fastest bird in level flight? Come and learn more about these fascinating birds, the new Chiswick Swift Project and how you can help these iconic summer visitors. Click Here for more information.
Venue: Chiswick Pier Trust, The Pier House, Corney Reach Way, London W4 2UG. 7pm for 7.30pm. Free to CPT Members. £3 to non-members. Refreshments will be available.
Saturday 9th April 2016. Day trip to Oare Marshes
09.07am train from Victoria (arrives Faversham 10.29am, check nearer the day) then we will take a bus or share taxis to Oare. Possible garganey, ruff, avocet, yellow wagtail, warblers. Toilets at Faversham. Bring lunch. Leader: Andrew Peel. No need to book.
Thursday 14th April 2016. ‘Hen harriers and grouse shooting’ by Dr Mark Avery
Mark is a scientist by training and a naturalist by inclination. He worked for the RSPB for 25 years and was its Conservation Director for nearly 13 years. Expect passion and huge knowledge when he speaks to us about the campaign to ban driven grouse shooting which is persecuting the hen harrier to the edge of extinction in England. He will also describe the other negative effects of intensive management of upland areas for grouse shooting. . Venue: St. Columba's Church Hall, Pont St. London SW1. Doors open 6.15pm, talk starts 6.45pm. £4.00 RSPB members, £5.00 non-members.
Saturday 23rd April 2016. Coach trip to Paxton Pits, Cambs
Lakes, meadow, grassland, scrub and woodland by the River Great Ouse. The place for singing nightingales. Warblers, all 3 woodpeckers, cuckoo, peregrine. Visitor centre, shop, tearoom, toilets. Requested donation £2.50. Coach leaves Embankment Station at 8am. Booking essential, contact Derik Palmer on 07768 121 435, or email cllgcoachbookings@gmail.com. CLLG members £18.00, non-members £20.00.
Thursday 12th May 2016. AGM, Summer Social Evening and Talk
Our AGM (6.45–7.15pm) will be followed by our talk, ‘All about House Sparrows’ by Jacqueline Weir, Woodland Biodiversity Adviser at the RSPB. This charismatic bird has disappeared from large swathes of London life. Jacqueline will talk about the findings of the recent London House Sparrow Project and will describe current research to try and get to the bottom of the problem. Food and drinks will follow the talk. Venue: St. Columba's Church Hall, Pont St. London SW1. Doors open 6.15pm, talk starts 6.45pm. £4.00 RSPB members, £5.00 non-members, plus £1 for food.
Saturday 14th May 2016. Coach trip to WWT Welney, Norfolk
Waders inc. avocet, and wildfowl, poss. garganey. Warblers, yellow wagtail, cuckoo, hobby, peregrine and marsh harrier. Visitor centre and café. Entry £6.17 for non-WWT members. Coach leaves Embankment Station at 8am. Booking essential, contact Derik Palmer on 07768 121 435, or email cllgcoachbookings@gmail.com. CLLG members £18.00, non-members £20.00.
Saturday 11th June 2016. Coach trip to Ashdown Forest, E. Sussex
Heath, grassland, bog, scrub, woodland. Hobby, tree pipit, warblers, woodlark, and redstart. Dragonflies and butterflies. Toilets at Forest Centre and Information Barn. Booking essential. Coach leaves Embankment Station at 8am. Booking essential, contact Derik Palmer on 07768 121 435, or email cllgcoachbookings@gmail.com. CLLG members £18.00, non-members £20.00.
Saturday July 2nd 2016. Day trip to Spade Oak Nature Reserve, Little Marlow, Bucks, and Cookham, Berks
Meet at Paddington Railway Station 9.30am for 9.42 train to Maidenhead.and connection to Bourne End. Visit nature reserve then walk along Thames and return from Cookham. For half day, return from Bourne End. Check times nearer the day. Red kites, hirundines, common tern, water fowl, possible waders and hobby. Toilets. Shops in Cookham. Pub near reserve. Leader: Catherine Day. No need to book.
Saturday 9th July 2016. Coach trip to Wicken Fen, Cambs
Ancient fenland habitat. Meadows, sedge and reed beds. Hobby, marsh and hen harrier, grasshopper warbler, poss turtle dove. Dragonflies and butterflies. wildflowers and watervole. Toilets, café, hides. Entry £5.75 for non NT members. Booking essential. Coach leaves Embankment Station at 8am. Booking essential, contact Derik Palmer on 07768 121 435, or email cllgcoachbookings@gmail.com. CLLG members £18.00, non-members £20.00.
Saturday 13th August 2016. Coach trip to Rye Harbour, E. Sussex
Seashore, shingle, grassland, lagoons. Seabirds inc.common, Sandwich and little terns, waders and wildfowl, poss. wheatear and yellow wagtail. Hides. Café near coach park. Toilets. Suggested donation £1. Booking essential. Coach leaves Embankment Station at 8am. Booking essential, contact Derik Palmer on 07768 121 435, or email cllgcoachbookings@gmail.com. CLLG members £18.00, non-members £20.00.

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